I have my friend Robbie to thank for this one. After using the phrase "not horrendous" off-hand some years ago, it's become something of a running joke amongst a few friends. That joke led to a birthday gift in the form of the domain name "nothorrendous.com".
I think I'd be lost without a place to post my infrequent, sarcastic and cynical rants and ideas, so Not Horrendous became just that. The brand identity needed attitude and humour, but had to remain simple, classy and readable (and cater to my penchent for brutal geometric sans-serif type).
To match my tendancy for profanities, the marque ended up representing both the letters "nh" and someone flipping the bird. The ideal mix of words and attitude.
Typical Alex. He’s turned what was supposed to be a joke into a thoughtful, practical corner of the internet.